Cómo firmar documentos usando Foxit Reader ========================================== - Sáquele foto o escanée su firma - Guárdela como .GIF o .JPG o .PNG (archivo gráfico) - Abra el archivo PDF que quiere firmar en Foxit - Protect -> PDF Sign - Seleccione [ + ] -> Import file - Jale la firma --> [x] Convert signature to black & white --> [x] Discard signture when program closes --> Save - Dele [click] a la firma - Muévala adonde quiere firmar - Dele [click] para poner la firma - Con [click] puede hacerla más grande o pequeña - Guarde o imprima el documento Si guarda/graba el documento, su firma queda ahí adentro, copiada -> Es mejor no dejar la firma dentro de ningún documento -> Una mejor idea es pasar a foto el documento firmado Si no quiere guardar el documento, puede guardar una foto del documento: - En Foxit, entre a Home --> Home -> Fit Visible --> Home -> SnapShot --> Home -> Clipboard -> Select All --> Home -> SnapShot - Ahora ya tiene una foto del documento completo en el "Clipboard" - Abra Paint.exe --> File -> New File --> File -> Properties ----> Properties -> Units [x] pixels ----> Properties -> Width [1] ----> Properties -> [Ok] -> Paste -> Save As ... [Ok] -> http://FoxitSoftware.com -> http://google.com/search?num=100&q=Paint+Windows -> http://google.com/search?num=100&q=Windows+Clipboard ============================================================ How do I delete a signature in Foxit Reader? http://superuser.com/questions/973642#1248404 I found the signature file in here: "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\InstaSign\UserSign" After deleting all files in ...\UserSign all signatures where gone. http://superuser.com/questions/973642#1286475 In Windows first find the file with the signature you want to delete. For this you need to open a command prompt (black screen): dir %SystemDrive%\ /b /s | find /i "InstaSign" | find /i "UserSign" Then open that directory and delete the signature file. Signatures are PDF documents that you can open with Foxit itself. Just delete what you want. If you want to search only within your account use this version: dir %HOMEPATH%\ /b /s | find /i "InstaSign" | find /i "UserSign"