:: Pg1.bat ==> Genera Programacion-1.htm @echo off if exist ACMgen.htm echo YA EXISTE ACMgen.htm :: Ctrl-Break termina este programa if exist ACMgen.htm pause if exist "Programacion-1.htm" echo YA EXISTE Programacion-1.htm :: Ctrl-Break termina este programa if exist "Programacion-1.htm" pause ACMgen.exe "Programación I" "OS/Overview of Operating Systems" "SDF/Fundamental Programming Concepts" "AL/Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms" "PL/Object-Oriented Programming" if exist Programacion-1.htm del Programacion-1.htm ren ACMgen.htm "Programacion-1.htm" echo. echo GENERADO == "Programacion-1.htm" :_out