
Universidad de Costa Rica
Escuela de Ciencias de la
Computación e Informática
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(1)       for x on list L do
(2)           INSERT(x, S);
(3)       while not EMPTY(S) do begin
(4)           y := MIN(S);
(5)           writeln(y);
(6)           DELETE(y, S)

Fig. 8.16. An abstract sorting algorithm.

procedure pushdown ( first, last: integer );
    { assumes A[first], . . . ,A[last] obeys partially ordered tree property
        except possibly for the children of A[first]. The procedure pushes
        A[first] down until the partially ordered tree property is restored }
        r: integer; { indicates the current position of A[first] }
        r := first; { initialization }
        while r <= last div 2 do
            if last = 2*r then { r has one child at 2*r }
                if A[r].key > A[2*r].key then begin
                    swap(A[r], A[2*r]);
                    r := last { forces a break from the while-loop }
            else { r has two children, elements at 2*r and 2*r + 1 }
                if A[r].key > A[2*r].key and
                    A[2*r].key <= A[2*r + l].key then begin
                        { swap r with left child }
                        swap(A[r], A[2*r]);
                        r := 2*r
                else if A[r].key > A[2*r + l].key and
                    A[2*r + l].key < A[2*r].key then begin
                        { swap r with right child }
                        swap(A[r], A[2*r + 1]);
                        r := 2*r + l
                else { r does not violate partially ordered tree property }
                    r := last { to break while-loop }
    end; { pushdown }

Fig. 8.17. The procedure pushdown.

        procedure heapsort;
            { sorts array A[1], . . . ,A[n] into decreasing order }
                i: integer; { cursor into A }
                { establish the partially ordered tree property initially }
(1)             for i := n div 2 downto 1 do
(2)                 pushdown(i, n );
(3)             for i := n downto 2 do begin
(4)                 swap(A[1], A[i]);
                        { remove minimum from front of heap }
(5)                 pushdown(1, i - 1)
                        { re-establish partially ordered tree property }
        end; { heapsort }

Fig. 8.18. The procedure heapsort.

Aho, Alfred V.; Hopcroft, John E.; Ullman, Jefrrey D.
"Data Structures and Algorithms"; Addisson Wesley Publishing Co.; 1984.